Skybox Helena

I am showing you  Vicious Decay - Mesh Skybox Helena.  

It is Mod/Copy and includes huds for walls, floors, dividers, and pillows of the window seat.

There are 4 rooms. 1 story. The windows in room 3 open and close.

Size: 29X36X6

LI/Prims: 53

The window seat comes with 48 solo sit animations and 26 couple animations ( PG )

Textures options for the floors are white wood, light wood, dark wood, and darker wood.

Texture options for the walls, dividers, and pillows are pink, light orange, light yellow, light green, light purple, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, dark red, dark green, dark blue, dark purple, brown, sand, beige, white, light grey, mid-grey, dark grey, black.
